Monday 7 October 2013

Recession and War

Every day I worry about money and I know I'm not on my own everyone I speak to is in the same boat.

 I'm dreading when I have too start putting the central heating on.

have to get myself some  fingerless  gloves to paint in lol.

I don't get capitalism or War... Unfortunately thats be in the news of late.

The next painting I want to start is about the War in Syria. I don't understand why Muslims are slaughtering Muslims and what's happened to the Christian population within Syria?

Sunday 6 October 2013

At last I have a blog

Okay do I just talk away here... I guess  so... May I introduce myself to myself at  least... I am a artist specialising in the art of automatic painting.

Don't really know what was  going on in my head when I  started to paint this.
I was just getting used to the different textures that can be achieved with watercolours.

There is some structure in this painting, which represents the structure of modern society.
Obviously this can become blurred and distorted.
Pain clouds judgement and to much optimism is as dangerous as severe pessimism